Jaima Foods is a Enugu Enugu based Nigerian company incorporated with the Registration Number RC 3051781. The company was registered on January 17, 2020 as a Business Name whose primary focus is Food Production And Processing Services. Jaima Foods current status is Inactive, while the official Company’s registered office address is located at D37 ELIM ESTATE, IBAGWA NIKE. We are an entirely different from this service provider or company and as such we cant handle your issues. To get your issues resolved, you need to contact the company customer care or support directly.
Company Details
Registered Name | JAIMA FOODS |
Registration Number | RC 3051781 |
Entity Type | Business Name |
Nature of Business | Food Production and Processing Services |
Registration Date | 17 Jan 2020 (2 years ago) |
Jurisdiction | Nigeria |
Company Status | INACTIVE |
Contact Info
Phone Number | |
Website | |
Corporate Office Address | D37 ELIM ESTATE, IBAGWA NIKE |
City | ENUGU |
State | ENUGU |